Music at CBC
Whether you sing, play an instrument, work with computers skillfully or operate sound efficiently, we want to help you get involved in serving the Local Church! The over-arching mission of Calvary Baptist church is “to serve and go that our unbelieving neighbors become committed followers of Jesus Christ”. We do that through connecting, growing, serving and going. Within the arenas of music and media, we also connect, grow, serve and go. We connect with one another during rehearsals, meetings, and getting to know one another during the week. We grow in our area of ministry by seeing people use their musical and technical gifts to the glory of God, and by continually learning more about their craft and the abilities with which God has blessed them. We serve the local church by the volunteering of time during rehearsals and services. We go by actually carrying out our skillsets, collaborating with others, and inviting others to church. With the music we sing and play, it is our desire to point people to Jesus Christ, worshiping Him with all of our being. We emphasize multi-generational worship as preschoolers through adults help lead worship, incorporating hymns of the faith with today’s modern praise music. Please contact us if you’d like to serve.