Calvary Baptist Church exists to serve and go that our unbelieving neighbors become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Join Us This Sunday
Sunday School
Connect with others who want to grow with you. Join one of our Sunday morning Bible studies as we grow together.
We’d love to meet you this Sunday! We hope you will join us to sing, pray, and study the Bible together.
SUNDAYS AT 9:15 + 10:30AM
All Christians have been gifted by God to serve. In Christ, we serve others as Christ served us. We live not to be served but to serve with thanksgiving.
We want our unbelieving neighbors to know Jesus as Savior, to find their identity in Christ. Together we want to find our greatest value in whose we are and who we are in Christ.
We grow by spending time in God’s Word both individually and corporately. Growing in our faith gives us a desire to express our faith by loving others in intentional ways.
Every Christian has been gifted by God to serve. In Christ, we serve others as Christ served us. We live not to be served but to serve with thanksgiving and gladness.
As Christ was sent so are we. Locally, regionally, nationally, and globally we go so the unbelieving become committed followers of Christ. We partner with likeminded churches and organizations to see God’s mission accomplished around the world.